Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Take It Down a Notch

Spring cleaning is so easy. Throw away things you haven't used in 2 years. Sentimental like me? Get a cute box and organize it.
Dust bunnies are gross-tackle them all. Lampshades, under the bed, behind the know where they live.
If you want to be trendy and go green, use organic cleaners-I love Seventh Generation.
Too much clutter equals too much stress. Donate, sell, or toss it.


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Unknown said...

I am findng the plastic bags (some are called 'Space bags') are invaluable if you have more than 1.9 children, and there's too much you want to save. These bags such all the air out, and make the bag about 1/5 the original size. Best of all; no dust, bugs, moths, mold, etc. can get it! They are worth the money!